Leave the lasting gift of play

For 20 years, we have empowered a generation of children to rise using the power of play. But millions of children still face dangerous and difficult lives. Together, we can help them build a better future, for themselves, their families and their communities.
Over the next 20 years, we see a future where children are free from abuse and exploitation, heard and respected, resilient and filled with hope.
To achieve this, we need the help of supporters like you.
By leaving a gift in your Will, you make a mark on future generations around the world. Your gift can make a key difference in supporting children rise above challenges and become the leaders of tomorrow.
Creating a Will is an important part of planning for the future, allowing us to express our wishes and support of loved ones. There are a number of ways to include Right To Play in your Will:
1) A pecuniary gift- a gift of money in your Will
This is an example of a gift where you leave us a specific amount of money.
2) A specific gift- a specific gift in your Will
This is where you choose to leave us a specific item, such as jewelry or property.
3) A residuary gift- a share of your estate
You could choose, once you have ensured your loved ones are taken care of, to leave a share of/the remainder of your estate to Right To Play.
4) A reversionary gift- a gift when a trust ends
This is where you set up a trust in your Will, so someone can enjoy the benefit of some money or property in their lifetime- the remaining money or property would come to Right To Play’s work.
To make writing your Will as easy as possible, we have partnered with Farewill. This is a free online Will writing service; legally binding and checked by professionals so you can start helping to build a future for disadvantaged children, in four simple steps. If you already have a Will and would like to include Right To Play, see the Codicil form inside our Legacy brochure, or consult your solicitor.
Visit the Farewill website and use the discount code RTPLegacy2 to create your Will now. Legacies are one of the most flexible and easiest ways of making a gift to Right To Play.
Mozambique has one of Africa’s highest rates of adolescent pregnancy, with one in every 10 girls having a child before the age of 15 (UNFPA, 2013).
Zaida was 14 when her mother told her it was time to marry. This would have meant leaving education and becoming a wife and mother, before she had even finished secondary school. Thanks to lessons she learned from a Right To Play-trained teacher, she was able to successfully resist child marriage and continue with her studies.
By leaving a gift in your Will, you could help us to empower girls like Zaida across the world to resist child marriage and shape their own futures.
For more information on how to leave a gift to Right To Play in your Will or update your current Will, read the Right To Play Legacy Brochure.
Alternatively, email Maider Lacalle Clemente on mlacalle@righttoplay.com for more information.