Behind our brand refresh

Right To Play has a new logo and we have also refreshed our brand look and feel. We know that you care most about the positive impact we have on the children we reach. And so do we. So we have updated how we tell their stories in a compelling way putting children at the centre of all we do and say.
Through our new brand, we are clearly articulating who we are, what we do and most importantly, why we are an organisation worthy of your support.
We know that children are among the most vulnerable and disenfranchised group of people in the world. For many of them, violence is an everyday reality. They are beaten, trafficked, starved, driven into slave labour, sexually abused, held as captives, tortured, forced to marry and give birth long before their young minds and bodies are ready for it. In many cases, their abuse is legal. And where laws do exist to stop this abuse, they are rarely enforced.
We want every child to have the chance to rise above these barriers that so often define their futures.
Our new brand promise is built on our commitment to help them rise.
As we move into an exciting new future, we continue to honour our past. Our new logo includes the iconic “long sleeve ball” which recalls the moment when our founder, Johann Koss, met the young Eritrean boy with the long sleeve t-shirt. In the absence of a ball to play with, the boy bundled his shirt into a makeshift ball for a game of soccer with his friends. His creativity and resilience sparked Johann’s desire to do more and the rest is Right To Play history.
As the universal symbol of play, the long-sleeve ball also speaks to children’s own determination to rise above the limitations imposed on them by poverty, inequality and tradition. Given the most basic tools and skills, children will find a way to create opportunities where often there are none.
We also looked to the past for inspiration in choosing our new colour pallet. By combining the red and yellow of the old logo, we arrived at a distinct orange colour which will become our primary brand colour moving forward. Orange represents enthusiasm, creativity, determination and encouragement, all attributes that embody our organisation.

Empowered children will be at the centre of our story
Our brand story will honour these “Child Uprisers” by amplifying their individual journeys from challenge to achievement.
We will amplify the context and the challenges that children face
To tell their stories authentically we will, more than ever before, identify and explore the difficulties these children face and the forces in their lives and communities that threaten their futures every day. But we will also always celebrate their success, when they rise above these hurdles and thrive.
We will focus on the transformational impact in children’s lives and back up our “Upriser” stories with strong evidence.
We will use play as our differentiator
Right To Play's play-based methodology is what will always make us unique. In the new brand positioning play remains our methodology, but the empowering of children is what will inspire support.
As we honour the ‘Uprisers’ through the new brand, we know that progress is only possible because of support of people like you. We hope that our new brand and the compelling stories we tell about children leading change in their lives, will further inspire you and bring you closer to the children we serve. Children like 16-year old Gulmeena from Peshawar, Pakistan, who after years of striving to complete her education, was told by her parents that she, like so many other girls in Pakistan, had to drop our and give up her plans of finishing school. You can read her compelling story here.