Right To Play is thrilled to have been chosen by QuirkyAccom.com as charity partner for their Autumn competition. QuirkyAccom.com will donate £1 to Right To Play for every person that enters the competition up to £15,000.

By entering you will not only have the chance to win one of four unique and amazing weekend breaks, but you will also be helping to educate, empower and protect children in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the world. £15,000 is enough to enable 500 children access Right To Play programmes for a whole year, so please enter here and tell your friends and families too. The competition ends on 22nd November 2018.

Take a look at the Competition video which gives you a glimpse at all the possible prize locations you could end up visiting if you are selected as one of the lucky winners.

QuirkyAccom.com is an unusual accommodation directory born from a desire to experience the world with individuality. QuirkyAccom.com have also committed to alleviating the suffering of others in some small way by donating all of their profits to good causes each year.

“We are delighted that QuirkyAccom.com have chosen Right To Play as charity partner for their competition”, said Neil Child-Dyer, Senior Partnership Manager at Right To Play UK. “It is brilliant to see such a socially conscious business doing their bit to improve the lives of those less fortunate and we are grateful to Jess and the team for choosing Right To Play. Please do enter the competition, you never know, you could win an amazing weekend away too.”