It’s been a hard year for children around the world. COVID-19 has transformed their lives, and for many, it’s been only one of the life-changing crises they’ve faced this year.

But, children are refusing to give up in the face of the crisis.

With 1.6 billion children still out of school and at extreme risk of dropping out permanently, a second crisis is looming with a sharp rise in abuse, neglect and mental illness. Girls are especially affected by social isolation, as a surge of child marriage, female genital mutilation, and domestic violence puts them at a greater risk than ever before.

Mateus Keeps Studying

Lockdowns in Mozambique meant that Mateus’ plans to sit for exams were put on hold. He refused to give up, and kept learning thanks to televised lessons so he can get his education. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, children like Mateus are proving how resilient they can be. We are hearing the millions of children we work with say one thing over and over again: "It won't stop me." But they need your help to make that a reality.

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Judith Resists Female Genital Mutilation

When schools in Tanzania closed, a surge of female genital mutilation followed. Judith stood up for her rights, defied social expectations and refused to be cut.

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As countries around the world struggle to keep schools open, we need to provide children with engaging ways to learn at home. Right To Play has reached more children than ever this year through virtual lessons, in-person community outreach and by working with schools to help them re-open safely. Thanks to supporters like you, we’ve helped 12 million children around the world to remain healthy, stand up for their rights and keep learning no matter what.

With your support, crisis won’t stop their dreams.