Every day, millions of children face terrible adversity. Child labour, early marriage, war, displacement, and trauma conspire to keep children from their childhood, their education, and their futures.
Play can provide children with a safe space away from conflict. It’s a life-changing gift that can help children overcome trauma and discrimination, get back to learning, claim their rights and their dreams, and build life and leadership skills. Play is powerful.
Please give the gift of play and transform a child’s life today.
Right now, millions of children are living in refugee camps and conflict zones. Girls around the world are kept out of school by early marriage, harmful work, and gender discrimination.
Participating in play, both inside and outside the classroom, keeps them learning and helps them develop the confidence to pursue their dreams.
Play has the power to change a child’s life.
Protect children like Raghad

Your support helps us protect displaced and refugee children, just like Raghad who was given a safe space to meet friends, make music and champion the rights of other young people in her community through Right To Play's programme in Lebanon.
Find out how Raghad is standing up for her rights.
Educate children like Delice

Your support helps us educate children like Delice, who was able to develop her literacy and leadership skills through a local organisation in Rwanda called UMUHUZA, supported by Right To Play.
Find out how Delice is cultivating her creativity.
Empower children like Dzidzornu

Your support helps us empower children and young people like Dzidzornu, who was able to combat her shyness and unlock her potential through a junior leadership programme supported by Right To Play.
Find out how Dzidzornu is unlocking her confidence.
If you’re able to, giving the gift of play as a regular donation means we can plan long-term, play-based programmes that protect, educate and empower the next generation.
Through play, you can give children back their childhood, transform their learning and their lives, and support them to claim their futures in the face of incredible challenges.